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Ready For Your Closeup? Tips And Tricks For A Perfect Headshot

One of the first impressions performers give when walking into an audition is their headshot. A good headshot can make a performer stand out, while a bad one might make them have to stand back. Taking headshots can be a headache, but with practice and the right tips, it becomes easy, efficient and an exceptionally good way to make a fan of the person behind the table when it comes time to make casting decisions.


Here are some tips that will help you get the headshots of your dreams:

1. Get Plenty of Rest


They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing! How much sleep you get directly affects skin quality, how makeup sits on your face and whether you have bags under your eyes. Getting rest the night before your headshot session can make a huge difference, as will staying hydrated.

2. Proceed With Caution


It’s always tempting to reach for the trendiest outfit you own in order to make a statement in your shots. Don’t! The best outfit is actually the simplest because the focus should always be on your face, not your fashion. Plain colors are your best bet, especially ones that complement your skin tone and/or eyes. Also, avoid low-cut shirts or bare arms to make the shot easier to crop.

3. Keep It Simple

If you wear makeup, it’s important not to overdo it. The makeup look in your headshots should be as close to your day look as possible. Lean more toward a lighter audition look than a “night out on the town” look so the shots are versatile.

If you don’t wear makeup to auditions, don’t feel the need to wear it in a headshot. There should be little to no touch-ups, though, so any blemishes you tend to hide should be covered with makeup instead of Photoshop, even if you don’t wear it outside of shows.

4. Know Your Photographer


Knowing your photographer can make a world of difference. Having someone who knows your best angles and has a similar aesthetic to you will ensure you can use your headshots for years to come.

5. Practice the Pout


It may seem odd, but doing a few practice shots before you head to the shoot is often incredibly helpful. The angles used to take a selfie aren’t the same angles as a shot taken by a photographer. Having a roommate, parent or friend take a few pictures for you beforehand will make sure you know your best angles and faces and increase your confidence behind the camera.

6. The Print Makes a Difference


Make sure to print the headshots out on 8×11 photo paper. There are plenty of places you can print at in bulk, but some may require the photographer’s permission if there is a watermark present. The most professional headshot during an audition is updated and stapled to the back of your resume, with your face out and ready to shine.

These tips will boost your headshot game and make you stand out in all the right ways during an audition. Relax, be confident and prepare your pout for your best headshots ever!

Written by Jasmine Middleton

Jasmine is a sophomore in college, pursuing theater with a concentration in acting. Born in raised in colorful Colorado, she is one of many mountain art snobs. She hopes that more people learn about theater and it's practicality, so that they will be inspired to also pursue their dreams!

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