

8 Things That Go Through Your Head Before The Show Starts (Audience POV)

Though you are sitting in the audience and not about to perform, all will not be ok until the curtain goes up and the overture begins. Whether it’s a show you’ve been waiting to see for years or a spur of the moment activity, there are anxieties that come with prepping to see a show.

Here are ten things that go through your mind before the show begins:

1. Will I get there on time?

You are running late. You can’t miss a minute of the show. You need to choose: cab it or walk. You know the cab driver has no idea where the St. James Theater, but if you walk, you know you will be approached by tons of tourists and multiple terrifying Elmo’s.

2. Where is my seat?

You’ve made it to the theater with time to spare. You saved money by getting an obstructed view orchestra seat. This is the moment when you find out just how obstructed the view is.

3. Bathroom or Merch?

You only have enough time for one. Will you use the extra fifteen minutes before the show to run to the bathroom, where there is already a substantial line, or go buy some show merchandise. You know the bathroom line will be crazy during intermission, but just look at those Hamilton postcards!

4. Alcohol or no alcohol?

You’re out on the town and want to live it up a little. You walk over to the bar for a glass of wine and realize it is twenty dollars. Just as you have given up hope for humanity and begin to walk away, you see signs for a Hamiltini. You only live once, right?

5. Will this man move?

Just as you get back to your seat, you see that a lovely couple has sit down in the two seats in front of you. Too bad the guy is insanely tall and will require you to peek around him throughout the entire show.

6. Am I going to cry?

Your friend who has already seen the show told you that there is this one scene where they sobbed. Will you cry? If not, does that mean you did not get the story? You hope the strangers around you don’t judge you. Either way, you hope your mascara holds up.

7. Can I fight the urge to sing along?

Let’s be honest, you may have bought the cast album the second it came out. You don’t know every song perfectly, but you know enough harmonies and have definitely become use to snapping along during your commute. Just keep it together and remember you’re not in your car.

8. Will the show be good?

Whether it be a revival or an original, the show can be a hit or miss. What if it’s a disappointment? What if the cast album and everything you imagined in your head will be better? What if the star just can’t hit the note?

But as all of these things go through your head, it is a few minutes after show time and the lights begin to dim. The pit starts to play and you excitedly sit in your seat because all of those things don’t really matter. The show is starting.

Written by Nicole Mellion

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