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‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Laptop Case DIY

Come with me, And you’ll be, In a world of pure imagination

Today we will be making a ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Laptop Case!

What you will need:

  • White paint
  • Brown paint
  • Gold paint
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • White pencil
  • Paint Brushes
  • Laptop Case


First, you will want to start by painting both edges of the case gold to create the golden ticket. Paint both sides about 2 inches wide. After finishing, allow it to completely dry.

Using the Wonka Bar logo as reference, take your white pencil and begin to trace out the font of the label of the candy bar onto the laptop case. This will help create a guideline for us later.

After you have drawn your complete “Wonka Bar” label, plug in your hot glue gun and begin to trace and fill it in completely. Helpful tip: Use a Popsicle stick to help smooth out the hot glue. Please be careful while using the hot glue gun, they can get extremely hot.

Once your Wonka Bar has been completely filled in, allow it to dry completely.

Onto the painting! We will be breaking down each section into different colors. “Wonka” will be in white, “Bar” in gold, and Mr.Wonka’s hat will be painted brown.

Paint each section in their correct color until it is completely covered. Set aside so it can completely dry.

After the laptop case has dried, you are done! You are ready to show off your new laptop case to all of your friends. But be careful, you may forever crave chocolate when you carry this around.

And don’t forget, you are more than welcome to take creative freedom of this project-switch up colors, different font-whatever YOU want! It is your project! Have fun!

Send us your DIY projects and we will share them on our social media page!

Follow Katie on Instagram for more fun projects @kbettiniart

Happy Crafting~

Written by Katie Bettini

Katie Bettini is an Los Angeles based artist and designer who received her BA in theatre design. Katie is now working in film and television but continues to indulge in her biggest passion, theatre by crafting and creating Theatre Nerds DIY videos!

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